Are you doing your best?

You’ve been taking this lesson for some time now so you may be wondering if you’re doing your best to succeed in the field of design later on. Don’t pressure yourself. What’s more important is that you are truly interested in this program and willing to do your best while enjoying it.

If you think you could have done better than a grade of 75 on an Achievement Examination, review what occurred before that, you may realize that:

  • You went out with a friend and watched a movie instead of studying.
  • Basketball finals were being shown on television during your study period so you lost your focus and concentration.
  • You decide to review your lessons closer to where your family gathers together after dinner and so your concentration on your studies wasn’t 100%.
  • Every time you sit down and study, you get distracted by something or someone else.
  • You took the exam without proper review and you just looked for the right answers in the Reading Assignment.

If any of those statements are true in your situation, then you were not doing your best.

But if you:

  • Explained to family and friends how important your study period is and they understood it completely.
  • Videotaped the basketball finals instead of watching it live so you can concentrate on your lessons.
  • Chose the quietest room in the house so you wouldn’t lose focus while studying.
  • Followed to the letter the study tips and read the lessons many times until you have fully understood them before starting the exam.

Then, you were doing your best! Your exam grades are just to gauge how much progress you are making as new lessons are introduced to you. Keep persevering and don’t be discouraged if you don’t get 100 percent on every exam. Sometimes, it is just telling you that you need to review again to see the lessons in a different perspective. Pursue your dreams and don’t let anybody stop you from learning what you love to do. You can do so much better next time!

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Gladys Mae


Gladys Mae serves as the General Manager and Head of Student Services at the International Career Institute. Gladys holds a degree in Mass Communication - Broadcast Media from the University of San Jose-Recoletos. She joined ICI in 2010 and has over the past 12 years been instrumental in providing leadership and guidance to staff and students alike. Prior to joining ICI Gladys led a multifaceted career with key roles in the banking and business process outsourcing industries.